Wombourne Christadelphians

The Wombourne Christadelphian Ecclesia has approximately 25 members from all walks of life, meeting on a regular basis around the Holy Inspired Word of God.

About Us

We are a group of people who believe THE BIBLE is the word of God.
Our main aim is to discover the truth that God has left on record for mankind.

We accept the entire bible and believe in the plain teaching of scripture, letting the bible speak for itself.

We believe that those who follow Jesus and his apostles now, looking to him for strength and forgiveness from God, may confidently place their hope in his RETURN TO THE EARTH, when he will bring ETERNAL LIFE to his people and establish in power the promised KINGDOM OF GOD.

We invite you to our Sunday Morning Bible Hours, to share with you the Good News of The Gospel Message and the coming Kingdom of God.

We hope to see you God Willing in the very near future

Christadelphians means “Brethren and Sisters” in Christ. We are a worldwide fellowship with approximatley 350 meeting places (Ecclesias) in the UK alone.

Meeting times

Our public talk which is free for all starts at 10:00am.
Breaking of bread starting at 11:30am.
Sunday School at 10:00am

We also hold a weekly Bible Class starting at 8:00pm.

Listen to one of public talks

You can listen the latest uploaded talk for free by clicking on the link below.

Conflicts in the Middle East – The Bible Solution


Contact Us

Church Road, Wombourne
South Staffordshire, West Midlands